Best Instagram Accounts for Christian Intuitive Eating
This round up is of the best Instagram accounts to follow for Christian intuitive eating.
Do you need some biblical truth in your Instagram feed when it comes to food, fitness and body image? It’s time to add some inspiration and FAITH to your scrolling!
I don’t know about you, but I prefer to follow accounts that point me to Jesus and UNfollow accounts that point fingers of shame. I’m talking to you #Fitspo and #CleanEating!
I know you’re going to find lots of great content and encouragement from this list of the best Instagram accounts to follow for Christian intuitive eating.
The best Instagram accounts to follow for Christian intuitive eating

Erin Todd with @ginger_in_progress
Since this is my round up, I thought I’d start the list with my own Instagram account! I share about my journey of learning to follow Jesus not diets.
For the record, whenever I recommend a book, podcast, social media account, or brand etc., I’m NOT saying I recommend every single word or idea that the content creator has shared (or will share). I AM saying that I’ve found something useful in the content that spoke to me and helped me on my own journey in some way. I believe that if I got something out of it, you might too.

Intuitive Eating for Christian Women with @intuitive.eating.podcast
This is the Instagram account for my podcast Intuitive Eating for Christian Women. Follow along for encouragement and info about podcast episodes, online courses and our community of like-minded women.

Joyful Health Co™ with @joyfulhealthco
My friends at Joyful Health Co help restore the joy of food and movement, by grace. Follow along for encouragement and info about their online courses, The Joyful Health Show podcast and studies.

Megan Becker with @gracerootednutrition
Megan is a Christian dietitian and freedom coach.

Nicole Mesita with @body_bloved
Body BLoved is an organization of Christian dietitians (led by Nicole Mesita) which teaches you how to discover healing relationships with food, fitness and body image through God.

Megan Hadley with @meg.hadley
Megan is an anti-diet nutritionist & body image coach for women.

Amanda Reynolds with @thewellway_amanda
Amanda is a Revelation Wellness fitness instructor and Joyful Health Coach and is the author of Good to Grow and host of the Good to Grow Podcast.

Brittany Braswell with @brittanybraswellrd
Brittany is a Food Freedom & Body Image Coach for Christian Women and the host of The Joy-Filled Eater podcast.

Amanda Martinez Beck with @your_body_is_good
Amanda is a fat activist, body image coach, & author of Lovely: How I Learned to Embrace the Body God Gave Me and More of You.

Brittany Bauer with @brittanybauerrdn
Brittany is a Christian dietitian, owner of Revelation Nutrition and co-host of the Abiding at the Table podcast.

Victoria Yates with @nondiet_rn
Victoria is a Registered Nurse (RN-BSN), Intuitive Eating & Body Image Coach, and host of the Redefining Health podcast.

Christyna Johnson with @encouragingdietitian
Christyna is a dietitian and Christ follower. She is also host of the Intuitive Eating for the Culture podcast.

Kristin Williams with @wonderfullymadenutrition
Kristin is a Non-Diet Dietitian, Certified Eating Disorder Specialist, and author of the book Unworthy Weight.

Char-Lee Cassel with @charlee.cassel
Char-Lee is a Registered Dietitian, owner of Intuitive Wellness Programs LLC, and the co-host of the Intuitive Eating for Christian Women podcast.

Heather Creekmore with @comparedtowho
Heather is a Christian Body Image Coach, author of the books Compared to Who? and The Burden of Better, and host of the podcast Compared to Who? Follow Heather for all things body image freedom!

FINDINGbalance with @findingbalanceofficial
Finding Balance is a Non-Profit Organization offering Christ-centered resources for those seeking freedom from eating disorders & food & body image issues. Check out their Old School Food Freedom podcast.

Tracy Brown with @tracybrownrd
Tracy is a trauma-informed Registered Dietitian who works with chronic dieters and eating disorders and also offers professional counseling training for RDs and coaches.

Dr. Kari Anderson with @myeatingdoctor
Dr. Kari Anderson is an Eating Disorder Specialist using the best of science and faith to help create lives well lived. She is author several books, including Food Body and Love but the greatest of these is love.

Rock Recovery with @rockrecovery
Rock Recovery is a Non-Profit Organization offering eating disorder therapy & support groups to help you find freedom.

Jennifer D’Amato with @jennifer_intuitiveeatinglife
Jennifer is the host of the Intuitive Eating Mama Podcast and a coach who helps moms understand how to prioritize their health without dieting.

Dr. Stefani Reinold MD with @stefanireinoldmd
Dr. Steani Reinold MD is a Christian Holistic Psychiatrist, podcaster, speaker and author. Her original podcast It’s Not About the Food is a wealth of information on intuitive eating and body image. Her new podcast focuses on mental health.

Kasey Shuler with @kaseybshuler
Kasey is co-founder of Joyful Health Co, a fitness trainer with Revelation Wellness and author of several books and Bible Studies. Follow her for all things joyful movement!

Kristen Bunger with @kristenbunger.rd
Kristen Bunger is a Christian, Intuitive Eating RD practicing in Glendale, AZ. She just published her first book Feed My Soul: Finding True Peace with Food, Movement, Rest, and Body Image.
Having learned a bit about these Instagram accounts and the women who curate them, I encourage you to click the follow button and get to know these exceptional ladies!
Here is how you can support these amazing women:
- Follow their accounts
- Comment on their posts
- Share them with others who may find them helpful

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Intuitive Eating Starter Kit for Christian Women
Are you ready to ditch diets and discover abundance in health and faith?