Intuitive Eating for Christian Women
Discover whole health for your mind, body and soul.
Does any of this sound familiar?
My self esteem is so low. It’s down there on the bathroom floor, stuck to the scale. Sometimes it feels like food runs my life. But all the time and effort I spend trying to eat “healthy” doesn’t get me where I want to go. I don’t think I’ll ever feel confident in my own skin. I feel so frustrated and overwhelmed with dieting. It’s never enough. I’m never enough!
What if you could ditch diets forever and actually become healthier?
You might think that sounds too good to be true, but I am here to tell you that it’s not. I know because I’ve lived it!
I battled disordered eating and decades of dieting. I was once a slave to skinny until Jesus set me free. Now I’m over two years in to my Intuitive Eating Journey with Jesus and I’ve never felt such freedom and peace with food and my body. By His grace, my health has been transformed from the inside out. I want you to discover this for yourself!

Here is what you get:
This podcast is for you if:
This podcast is NOT for you if:

Meet Erin
Hi, I’m Erin. My story is about insecurity, body image, disordered eating, control issues, perfectionism and a lifelong hustle for worthiness.
But my story is not over yet. The latest chapter includes a spiritual awakening which has shown me my security comes from God and my worthiness is inherent.
As my story unfolds, I seek to fully grasp this truth, claim it for my own and live it daily with the understanding that I am both a masterpiece and a “ginger in progress”, simultaneously.
Now I am following Jesus not diets. I am pursuing well-being not weight loss.
After my awakening, I felt a call to share my story with other women who might be struggling with some of the same issues I struggle with. That’s why I started this podcast.
I hope that you find truth and inspiration here. I’d love for you to listen to Intuitive Eating for Christian Women and learn and grow along side me .

Meet Char-Lee
Hi, I’m Char-Lee. I’m a dietitian turned entrepreneur and a professional coffee taster (totally kidding- but I can dream!).
I help Christian women stop freaking out about their bodies and gain confidence in their food and exercise decisions.
Years ago, in a effort to prove my worth, I pushed myself to manipulate my body shape and size. My identity was wrapped up in my performance at the gym and my ability to eat a “perfect” diet. I stressed about my ability to stick to my plan all day everyday. This cycle put so much stress on my body that in 2015 I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease that left me with severe fatigue and joint pain. My identity was shattered.
Today, I thank God for this wake up call!
God has shown me my true identity, freed me from the bondage of body obsession, and shown me how to live whole and well.
With God’s grace I am using my education and experience to walk alongside other women towards food and body freedom.
I’m a wife, a momma and a huge fan of donuts, locally roasted coffee, mountains, and farm stands.
What is the Intuitive Eating for Christian Women podcast about?
This podcast is all about learning how the principles of Intuitive Eating align with Scripture so you can improve your relationship with food, your body and God and cast out dieting for good.
Where can I listen to the podcast?
You can listen to the Intuitive Eating for Christian Women podcast in pretty much any podcast platform out there!
Our hub on has all the links to the various platforms listed in one place.
Listen on Apple Podcasts. Listen on Spotify.
When does the podcast launch?
You can listen to our trailer episode right now and get a sneak peek of what’s in store for Season 1 of the Intuitive Eating for Christian Women podcast.
We are still recording episodes for Season 1 in Fall 2019… so we are hoping to launch in Winter 2019 or right around New Years 2020. So don’t even THINK about starting a diet in the New Year until you’ve given us a listen.
Make sure you are subscribed to my E-mail list (and grab your FREE Intuitive Eating Starter Kit for Christian Women) so you don’t miss our podcast launch announcement!
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