Welcome to my Intuitive Eating blog for Christian Women! I’m SO glad you’re here!!!
I’m Erin (the self-proclaimed “Ginger In Progress“) and this is my little corner of the internet dedicated to empowering and equipping women to Follow Jesus Not Diets.
I am dedicating this blog and my podcast Intuitive Eating for Christian Women to helping women who are stuck where I once was: sick of dieting, tired of hating the way I looked and longing for peace.
I’m passionate about this topic because I was once a slave to skinny until Jesus set me free.

Now I’m on a mission to pass along all the help and comfort I received. (2 Corinthians 1:4)
I want to help women heal from the wounds of diet culture and discover, as I have, that their weight is not their worth.
It’s my mission to help women make peace with food and their bodies by learning to Follow Jesus Not Diets.
I’m putting out an A.P.B. for Christian women who struggle with dieting and who need help adjusting their self-image.
Do any of these sound like you?
- You’ve tried so many different diets over the years, but nothing seems to work.
- You never feel good enough.
- You worry about your weight all the time.
- You find yourself thinking about food a lot.
- You wrestle with feelings of insecurity.
- You exercise because you think you need to.
- You wish you could change the way you look.
You are not alone! I know each and every one of these, they are part of my story too. But the good news is, your story is not over yet.
If you’re curious about the next chapter of your story and think you might be ready to finally kick dieting to the curb, I’m going to be bold and say it: you are here for a reason!
I love blogging about life after dieting! I share my story and all the things I’ve learned along the way about Intuitive Eating and God.
I hope you will find inspiration and encouragement here that will help you on your own health journey and faith journey… and discover, as I have, the fundamental connection between the two.
This Intuitive Eating blog for Christian Women is filled with lots of great content that will empower you and equip you to Follow Jesus Not Diets.
What you can expect to find:
- The what, why and how to Follow Jesus Not Diets: My method of re-defining your relationships with food, your body and your life. In essence, I take the Anti-Diet framework of Intuitive Eating and infuse it with a Christian perspective, crafting it to serve the modern Christian woman struggling with dieting. In fact, that is exactly what we do a deep-dive teaching on in Season 1 of the Intuitive Eating for Christian Women podcast!
- Experience: Think of me as your friend who is just a few steps ahead on the same path. I share practical advice that I’ve learned from experience and road-tested in my own life.
- Tools you can use: Tips, tools and techniques you can apply to your own life today.
- Real Talk: I’ve been accused of keepin’ it real. I don’t sugar coat!
- Helpful resources: Resources that have helped me along the way that I think will help you too.
- Encouragement: The encouragement, hope and inspiration you need for your own journey following Jesus not diets.

What you will NOT find here:
- Diet talk or anything to do with pursuing weight loss. To the contrary, I’m saying STOP all that crap!
- This is NOT the ‘Love Yourself to Lose Weight‘ diet!
- This is NOT the ‘Love God to Lose Weight’ diet!
- Medical advice. I am not a doctor or any other type of health professional.
- Nutrition advice. I am not a nutritionist or dietitian. (P.S. If somebody is giving you rules about food to follow, that’s a diet!)
You are here, so dive right in!
CATEGORIES: I’ve organized all my content around one of my life verses so my posts will help you love the Lord your God with all your Heart, Soul, Mind and Strength. Check out the Categories page HERE for a breakdown of what that means.
WHY GINGER IN PROGRESS? Read about my aha! moment that inspired the name of this blog and became my life motto. Check it out HERE.
SUBSCRIBE: Join my email list, which I think of as the Ginger In Progress (“GIP”) VIPs! I send out a monthly E-newsletter with exclusive content just for VIPs. Plus, just for joining I’ll send you my FREE guide to get you going: the Intuitive Eating Starter Kit for Christian Women. You’re going to love it!
GET SOCIAL: Here on the blog is where I post the “How To” style posts and more in-depth content. Over on social media is where I hang out and share more casually. If you want to see what following Jesus not diets looks like #IRL in real life, come hang with me on INSTA!
SURVEY: If you love Jesus and hate diets, then you’ve come to the right place and you are my kind of gal. So I want to hear from YOU! Take my survey and let me know what you’re struggling with so I can help! Share your thoughts by clicking HERE.
LISTEN & LEARN: Check out the Intuitive Eating for Christian Women podcast where my co-host Char-Lee Cassel and I will show you how the principles of intuitive eating align with scripture so you can improve your relationship with food, your body, and with God and cast out dieting for good! Start at the beginning no matter when you find this, Season 1 is basically an online course for free!
BUT HOW DO I ACTUALLY GET STARTED? I’m so glad you asked! I made this flowchart guide just for you. Check it out HERE.